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Here's a look back at our 2023 breeding plans, ultrasounds. I am leaving this on the page as a reference. plus I simply love looking at the older ultrasounds
We are projecting Buttercup's due date in the second week of May 2023
This was a tough one to decide if there's 3 or 4 kids.
I have NUMEROUS ultrasound videos,
and I keep thinking 3 no wait 4 no wait 3 no wait 4.....
then someone had the nerve to say 5. nope no way - not here buddy.
If this is anything like her past two freshenings, we always get at least two doelings
We are projecting Melody's due date in the first week of May 2023
I beg of you Melody... please please PLEASE give us doelings!
Last two freshening were 100% bucklings
Is it too late for bribery?
We are predicting 2-3 kids
Praying for pink
We are projecting Amelia's due date in the first week of May 2023
I swear I saw 3. Others think they saw 4 kids.
I won't bore you with a million ultrasounds, so we will find out who was right in a few months...
We are projecting Amaya's due date the third week of April 2023
Last year she appeared tiny but surprisingly busted out three BIG bucklings. This year Amaya is ginormous. That being said - I conservatively put her with 2+kids seen on her ultrasounds
We are confident this spirited gal has two kids in there. I am not 100% sure how far along she is. Since we live cover, I know the general range of when she is due. We will ultrasound her again and compare it to other does. I am excited!
We are projecting Cookie Monster will be due mid-April 2023.
I am betting she is the first to kid.
We believe Cookie will have a single kid. Mixed blessing for first fresheners to have singletons.
We are projecting Petey will be having a single kid the second to the third week of April 2023
She is from Green Haven farm and has some awesome genetics. This kid will have super genetics (Just click that planned pedigree link and see for yourself!)
We are retaining her doeling(s) this year.
We are projecting Carly will be due the first week of May.
She jumped right up on the stand like a pro, which for a first freshener I was not expecting. She was oblivious to us ultrasounding her.
We believe Carly has 3+ kids in her. She has been a solid doe, and if she takes after her dam, she will have no problems kidding this season.
We are projecting Bop It! will be one of the last to freshen this year.
Our homegrown doeling Bop It! ain't playing any games this season. She got the job done and appears to have two solid kiddos.
Our homegrown first freshener is predicted to freshen with 2 kids this season. Hoping she takes after her dam and give us doelings!
We are projecting Winnie will be due the second to the third week of May.
She was the biggest goat among the 8 first fresheners (AKA chunkiest). She is also, I dare say, the loudest goat I have ever known. In the history of EVER. We are retaining a doeling from this pairing. Sorry for the blurriness of the video. She is a chunkster and was more focused on me giving her more grain during the ultrasound.
Elle May is our homegrown first freshener. I originally wrote down a single kid for Elle May... but as I looked through her ultrasounds, I swear I saw a second. What do you think? We are retaining the first doeling from this pairing.
Yes, her barn name is Deathwish.
Deathwish has seen things, done things, and caused things.
I may or may not have a few new gray hairs from this doe. Our homegrown doeling has 2 on board. I had better ultrasounds with a glimpse of the second kid, but this has an epic skull view that screams heavy metal kick butt slayer. Time for some 80's hair band name to come up with
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